Areas of interest: Kant and German Neo-Kantianism, Philosophy of Culture, Methodology of the History of Philosophy.
Synthesis of my dissertation: In the context of a general revaluation of the Neo-Kantian movement that is taken place in contemporary philosophy, my dissertation aims at reconstructing and working out the consequences of the philosophical project of the founding father of the Neo-Kantian Baden school: Wilhelm Windelband. Contrary to the widely-held view, I argue that Windelband was aware of the deep problematic of historical thinking and the imperative of transforming transcendental philosophy. Through the study of his philosophical project, I show what are the roots of the relevance of the study of the history of philosophy for the development of contemporary transcendental philosophy.
“Neokantismo y neohegelianismo” (Filosofía Unisinos – en prensa)
“Historia y normatividad: el problema de su articulación en el neokantismo de Baden” (Ideas y valores – en prensa)
“Windelbands Weg zum Neu-Hegelianismus und die Aufgabe einer Erneuerung der Philosophie”, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 69 (2), 2021, pp. 212-226.
“History as the Organon of Philosophy: A Link Between the Critical Method and the Philosophy of History”, Idealistic Studies, 50 (2), 2020, pp. 185-209.
“Wilhelm Windelband como pensador sistemático e historiador de la filosofía”, Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 37 (2), 2020, pp. 269-280.
“The Neo-Kantians and the Polemic on the History of Philosophy”, studia z Historii Filozofii, 10 (3), 2019, pp. 5-25.