BA in Philosophy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Psychologist, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
PhD candidate, Universidad Diego Portales (Chile), Radboud University in Nijmegen (Netherlands)
The title of my project is “Jacques Lacan and the Genealogical Critique of Psychoanalysis”. It attempts to renew the debate between psychoanalysis according to Jacques Lacan and the genealogical critique of psychoanalysis that Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari develop in Anti-Oedipus, by focusing on the ultimate structure that psychoanalysis finds in contemporary subjectivity: the death drive. At issue is, in the first place, establishing a Lacanian doctrine of said notion as a limit-structure between the symbolic and the real, as well as an exposition of the way it appears in Anti-Oedipus. In the second place, the issue is delimiting the philosophical problem that is not only the aporetic character of the references said work makes to Lacan, but moreover the ontological incommensurability with which both sides, as well as the anti-Oedipal critique of Lacan, interpret the repetition that defines the obscure Freudian concept.
“El sujeto Borges”, en la edición especial de Cuadernos de Letras: “Ensayo y Error” (en, 2009.
“On the relation between evolution, language and sexuality”, en Dialogue and debate in the making of theoretical psychology, Editorial Cactus Press, 2015.
Wittgenstein y Lacan: Desde la imposibilidad de un lenguaje privado al inconsciente estructurado como lenguaje, tesis para postular al grado de Licenciado en Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, bajo la dirección de Andrea Potestá, 2015.
“Cognition, Culture, and Religion: The Ontogenetic Role of Culture and its Consequences in the Study of Religious Experiences”, escrito con James Cresswell, en Open Theology, 2, 2016.
“‘No veo más que a Heidegger y Lacan’: Comentario a la distinción entre filosofía y espiritualidad en La hermenéutica del sujeto de Michel Foucault”, en Ideas y Valores 66, n.164, 2017.
“Mundus est Fabula: Reflections on the Nihilism of Maurice Blanchot’s ‘Reflections on Nihilism’”, en Das Questões 9, n1, 2020.
“‘I am Inevitable’: Some Remarks on the Time Heist, the Death Drive, and Eternal Return”, en Avengers Infinity Saga and Philosophy, Editorial Open Court, 2020.