PhD Programme in Philosophy
** For those who are also applying for the ANID scholarship (former CONICYT) and need to complete the annex that indicates that the program is in the formal application process, please write to the academic coordination to request it, attaching the document with your data: [email protected]
The selection process will be developed as follows:
Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from a national or foreign university. Exceptionally, students who only have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent may be admitted, in accordance with the provisions of the Programme Regulations.
The applicant must complete the online application form and attach the following documentation:
Curriculum vitae.
Certificate of bachelor’s and master’s degree (or their equivalents).
Certificate of marks of undergraduate and master’s programs.
Certificate of ranking of undergraduate and master’s grades.
Letter of interest that explains the reasons for applying to the program.
Two letters of recommendation.
A text written by the applicant, which demonstrates their writing competence and their ability to carry out research at the postgraduate level (it is suggested to present a previously written text, such as an article already published or an essay prepared in a course).
A thesis proposal, containing: a) a research problem; b) a bibliographic discussion; c) a properly founded working hypothesis; d) a methodological proposal; and e) a work plan with general guidelines to be developed during the four-year stay in the program. The proposal must have a maximum of eight pages and be written in Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing.
Certificate of a level of oral and written competence in English (through TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Certificate or another) or in some other relevant foreign language (German, French or Italian), suitable for the development and completion of the thesis, according to the proposed doctoral research topic. The Academic Committee will determine if this requirement is satisfied. The program will evaluate the admission of students who do not meet the minimum language requirements, after a sworn statement from the student indicating the actions that will be taken to correct this weakness.
Degree certificates, grades and ranking must be originals or legalized copies. In the case of studies carried out abroad, the certificates must be legalized according to Chilean legislation.
The Admission Committee carries out its evaluation according to a guideline that contemplates the following aspects:
Thesis proposal (50% of the total score). Points to evaluate:
Clarity, originality and relevance of the philosophical problem to be dealt with, as well as its justification in the academic discussions of the field in which the research is inscribed.
Relationship between the research interest, the research lines of the PhD Programme and the expertise of the faculty.
Foundation of the working hypothesis and the arguments and / or evidence that demonstrate that the proposed approach is original, in relation to the field of studies in which the research is inscribed.
Coherence of the proposed methodology with the nature of the problem and the hypothesis.
Knowledge of the field of study and relevant discussions demonstrated in your bibliographic discussion.
Structure and feasibility of the work plan.
Academic skills (25% of the total score). Points to evaluate:
Analytical capacity of the applicant. Rhetorical and argumentative skills.
Knowledge of foreing language.
Student trajectory (25% of the total score). Points to evaluate:
Academic backgrounds. Prestige of graduate universities in the areas of student training, their grades and academic ranking.
Consistency and determination in their academic work, demonstrated above all in their CV and in the letter of interest, for developing their research in that area / line and in this PhD Programme.
Students can request the validation of subjects (credits) from other institutions. This option of the candidate must be explicit in his letter of interest and the Academic Committee will decide, without appeal, the subjects that will be validated. The validation may not exceed 12 credits.
The fee is 3,250,000 CLP per year.
UDP offers a maximum of two scholarships each year that cover the full fee and living expenses for a monthly amount of $ 650,000 CLP, during the four years of the PhD Programme.
To obtain the UDP scholarship, applicants must be accepted into the PhD Programme. Scholarships are awarded to students listed in the first two places in the order of merit upon admission. PhD students must also apply for the state ANID Scholarship and, to support them in their application, the General Direction for Research and Doctorates annually conducts a workshop with students accepted into the doctoral programs of the UDP. In this workshop, the application bases and general criteria that students must take into account when completing their background are reviewed.
During the mandatory stay abroad, students with a UDP scholarship receive extra financial support, which equates their stipends to the amount they would receive as ANID scholars.
Along with this, the UDP grants the fellow, after passing the qualification exam, the status of Adjunct Researcher, which allows them to access all the benefits defined for said category within the University, such as receiving monetary incentives for publication in WoS indexed journals, travel support, among others.